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Mother breastfeeding baby with the text overlaying the image "World Breastfeeding Week"

WBW 2020: Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet


World Breastfeeding Week

August 1-7, 2020

Every year in August, World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) dedicates one week to raise awareness of breastfeeding and encourage moms everywhere to consider breastfeeding their baby. This week has been established since 1992, two years after the 1990 Innocenti Declaration was created in an effort to empower women to breastfeed from birth until 4-6 months for the health of both Mom and Baby.

Each World Breastfeeding Week since 2016 has been associated with a theme as part of an alignment with United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year’s theme is “supporting breastfeeding for a healthier planet”, to emphasize the effect of breastfeeding infants on the planet and our environmental contributions, including climate change. In solidarity with this year's theme, Ameda would like to support sustainable practices by offering all of our education digitally.

WABA has four objectives for this influencing week: inform, anchor, engage, and galvanise. Each step contributes to the overall success of the campaign every year with the greater purpose of inspiring mothers around the globe to breastfeed from birth.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 40% of babies globally are breastfed exclusively within the first six months of their lives. WABA and WHO are both actively trying to change this statistic so that infants are adequately fed the proper nutrition that can only come from breast milk. In addition, WHO claims that over 820,000 children’s lives could be saved if all children under 2 years old were optimally breastfed.

At Ameda, we’re committed to educating moms on many topics, including breastfeeding. We aim to provide the most relevant and up-to-date information regarding these topics, and we'll be regularly updating this post throughout World Breastfeeding Week 2020.

To learn more about World Breastfeeding Week, visit

To learn more about breastfeeding, visit


Join the group chat! Ameda sits down with four breastfeeding and pumping moms to get real about breastfeeding. They cover it all - everything from making the decision to breastfeed, the flood of emotions, to overcoming challenges and the process of weaning. You'll also lean some of the breastfeeding and pumping tips that helped these moms throughout their journey.

Ameda has a large library of breastfeeding and breast pumping educational material for OBGYN offices, NICU staff, lactation consultants, and any other healthcare professionals that work with nursing mothers and babies. Materials include brochures, Q&A Sheets, and videos. Our education materials contact subjects like "Breast Pumping Basics", "How Do My Breasts Make Milk", and "Diet and Breastfeeding".

Check out some of our most popular material on our Education page.

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